Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Feminine... not.......

Hey guys!

So, I just got home from my first airsoft battle! It was freakin' awesome. I had this mega-awesome auto/semiauto machine gun, and was just like BLAMBLAMBLAM!!! Hahaha, it was soooo cool. It was kind of sad, but I was the only girl who played every battle. The other girl played once and went inside... Anyways, even though it was my first time playing, I killed two people and was only shot three times! When we were done, I went inside and met these two guys, both of whom are really good. They said, "You're good. You were the only one with sense on your team...." Victory for Sarah!!! I'm happy.... :)
Then we played this game called blowdarts, where you blow darts at people, and they die. It's actually really fun, even if it sounds kinda lame... hehe.
After that we went into the creepy, creepy basement and played zombie apocalypse.

...... I'm such a girl..... not...... haha. But you can't blame me! I was the only girl there, besides the ones upstairs playing Apples to Apples and being lame and such... haha. Nah, they're not lame. Just... not as cool as I am. :)

I have so many guy friends... and very few girl friends... aye me, such is life. Haha, what? That was really random! Anyways, I really don't mind having guy friends, though. For me, guys are easier to talk to. Easier to get along with. They don't really backstab, like girls do. I mean, they do... but not to the same extent. And, if you can cool their heads, they'll get over something. Girls just kinda keep going and going and going... hrm...
I make a lot of mean jokes about guys being dumber and not as cool as girls, but I don't really mean it. Guys, you're cool. Really, really cool. I have the best friends ever.... and they're mostly guys. :)

Okay, I'm off to watch more anime! Hiiiiiyah!!!!! ... wow, can you tell I've had caffeine today? Haha!

Love, Sarah

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



So, I'm lookin' to change things up a bit... so I found this site, where there are a bunch of backgrounds for Blogger and Myspace. Well, I don't have a Myspace, I mean, I have my space... but anyways, I was looking through templates for Blogger... There are some pretty awesome (and funny) ones. A couple of my favourites: a Disney Princess one (that's one I'm considering for the future... hehe), this green background with roses (the one up now), and a Johnny Depp one (that just made me laugh).
I'm putting up the green and rosy one... I have a strange obsession with roses, if you couldn't tell by my signature at the end of each post... haha. I do have a strong urge to put the Disney Princesses one up, though, just for kicks...... Maybe at some point in time... *evil chuckle*

Uhm... hm... something happened to my little 'Reactions' bar... if you spot it, please tell me. I dislike it when my widgets run away...

Ooooookey dokey............. I had something to say... and I lost it.............




OH YEAH! Okay, so ya know how I've been all stressed and whatnot lately? Well... one of the main sources of stress has been RESOLVED! YESSS!!!! I might write it all out later, but I have to get the okay from a couple people first. But it literally felt like I had a weight lifted of my chest... I felt lighter... it was really weird.

Oh, I also saw this mega-awesome thing happen yesterday. I was at the Christ the King Prayer Meeting, and one of my friends, Ian, got slain in the Spirit. This pretty much means he fell down and had a super awesome God-thing happen. Well, the floor at CTK is made of tile... very, very hard tile. He fell backwards, but there was nobody behind him. I tried to catch him, but he weighs about one and a half of me, so... it didn't really work. Down he went as I stared in horror, thinking he'd smash his head on the tile. However, when his head was about an inch above the floor, it stopped falling and kind of just floated down, as if it was caught by a hand and gently set down... It was so amazing. Blew my mind. Don't tell me Guardian Angels don't exist. I have at least three stories to prove that they do. :)


Thought of the day: Prayer should happen more....


Love, Sarah

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Photo or Two...

Lately I've been photoshopping a lot...
And this is what I've come up with. They look better in photoshop format... but I can't upload them on here like that, I don't think...


Well, there's a lot going on right now. I'm sick of teenage drama. It doesn't have to happen. Grr... I also hate getting on parents bad sides, which has happened..... *facepalm* I have no idea how to deal with this.


School is a problem. I've discovered that procrastinating only makes one want to procrastinate more... which isn't very helpful.


The reason this post is so random is because of the frazzled state of my mind. I'm thinking of a million different things at once, and it's seriously stressing me out. This morning I didn't wake up until 12 because I was so stressed from last night. I got 11 hours of sleep, which is three hours more than I usually get, and I'm still tired and tense....


I'm gonna go eat lunch now. Hopefully I can focus only on school for the next while... *sigh*


Love, Sarah

Friday, January 22, 2010


Well, I can't actually play the guitar. I know like, 6 chords, and can play about 4 songs with them. However, the only guitar I have to play is my dad's, which is twice as big as me. My fingers are somewhat too small, so it sounds kinda funny... Anyways, I've been play for an hour or so, and have learned two new song! Our Song and I'm Only Me When I'm With You, both by Taylor Swift. My left hand is shaking like crazy (it's somewhat hard to type) and my fingertips are numb. My right shoulder hurts from strumming and trying to even reach the stupid strings over the huge guitar. My back hurts from leaning over the guitar to see my fingers. But I'm soooo happy right now! It's one of those things that you don't really care what hurts, you're just glad you did it. I still can't figure out the strumming pattern for Our Song, but I've pretty much got the other one down. I can even sing it while I play! That took me some practice... >_<
I should probably be working on my violin pieces instead of these... but I didn't really want to work on the same old pieces over and over... bleah.

Tonight I'm going over to my friends' house, and we're heading out to Plymouth to see ice sculptures! I've never actually seen an ice sculpture.... hmm...

I think I am going to go practice violin now... so... byebye!

Love, Sarah

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


... 2010 is in there again! Haha! High five to Momo! The only one who thought it was as funny as I did. :)

Andywho... Okay, so it's January! That means... 5 months(ish) until Summer. I've been thinking of doing a sort of 'summer fashion poll' on Facebook. This means, every other day or so, I'd use my status to ask a fashion question. But not like, "What's your favourite colour shirt," or anything like that... More like, "Guys, if a girl is wearing a tight tee-shirt, is it distracting?" In the end, I'd post a note or something, tag all the people who commented on my status, and show the results.
Yes? No? Questions? I wouldn't start doing this until probably April... but I've been thinking about it quite a bit.

Driver's Ed part II is killing me....... slowly, but surely......... it's so incredibly boring.... I yawned about five times during class today. Next week we take the test, though, so it oughtn't be too bad.

Well... I'm in bed really early today... 'cause I couldn't sleep until like... 3 last night... and I'm dead tired... but really hyper! Wow, that was a lot of ellipses... <- like that one. :)

RFOTD (random fact of the day): Lately, I've been lazy and not capitalizing my letters, so it's hard to remember to do it...

I'm gonna watch some anime now... which I should probably not do, and do homework instead, but I'm too tired to think. Good night!!

Love, Sarah

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Scrambled Thoughts... Mixed Feelings...

What are friends if you can't trust them?
Just another person you see and say hi to, I guess.


My Friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad.
My friend, my buddy,
Through happy and sad,
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk,
You're there to listen,
You're there to talk,
With happiness, with smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
Throughout the years.
(See more quotes here)


What is a best friend?
Someone who's there to ask, "What's wrong?" even when you look and sound perfectly fine.
Someone who's there to give you a hug, even if you don't ask for one.
Someone who's there to talk to you, even if the conversation is completely attention-deficit and random.
Someone who's there to pray for you, even if you think you don't need it.
Someone who's there to love you forever, even if you make the biggest screw up in history.
Someone who's there to tell you you're pretty, smart, and not a failure.


True friend?
Hidden enemy?
It's hard to tell who your friends are.
I want to trust, but can I really?
I want to love, but can I really?
I want to help, but can I really?


Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero


I sit beside you and I love you, but I hate you. I don't want to feel this way, but I can't stop... So help me, God, to let this go...
~ So Help Me God ~ Fireflight


Dear friend, you are so precious...
~ Dear Friend ~ Stacie Orrico


I love you.


Love, Sarah

Friday, January 15, 2010


Let us all rejoice! Sarah has her computer back!!
After a week without it, I realized how incredibly blessed I am to even have one... *happy sigh*
Well, I can get back to posts that aren't just incredibly random and/or announcey. Well... still random. :)

So, every month or so, we go to an English Country Dance at Christ the King. There's one tonight! Huzzah! So, if you live in the Ann Arbor area, and have nothing better to do... come to CTK! Although, I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this and lives in Ann Arbor already comes to them... Ah, well.

On February 13th I'm going to play at this fundraiser at our church... We are in desperate need of a new piano... Anyways, I'm playing a really old song that I played like... last year? I don't remember. Anyways, it's La Folia by Corelli, who is one of my favorite composers EVER. Right next to Debussy and Vivaldi. Anyways, this guy plays it a little differently than me. I play it the way Suzuki has it. Oh well, mine still sounds pretty impressive, even if it's nothing next to this. Speaking of my violin... I changed my strings today and now it sounds all weird and metally... :( Oh well, it usually only takes me a day or so to break in the strings.

That's all. Well, actually no... I did my hair really nicely today, and, not to be vain or anything, but I really like it. :) So... I took a photo with my webcam (terrible quality...) and photoshopped it (so the quality was bearable)... Unfortunately, I had to change the file to a JPEG, so now the colours are a grayish... :(

Love, Sarah @)~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey! I'm in a weird mood today, if you couldn't tell.
My sister got a blog: The Idle Words. Check it out. She'll probably stop updating it, though... hahaha.
I started Driver's Ed 2 today... Oh. My. Word. Two hours of sitting and listening to an old man talk about not driving whilst texting or under the influence. *rolls eyes* Okay, I'll be mature. It's a good thing... but seriously... two hours.... zzzzzz.......... huh, what?? 
Uhm... I didn't really have a reason to post... except to tell y'all about my sister's blog... uhmm..... my sister's sick, actually... hrm...

Love, Sarah

Monday, January 11, 2010


So, if you leave comments, I do respond them as soon as I have the chance... However, I realized that if you don't check the 'receive emails from follow-up comments' (or whatever it says) button, you don't know that I reply. So, either have a blog I can post on (Spencer...) or check the button or I'll send it to you via email. Most of you have blogs I can just post a reply on, so that's cool. I really appreciate feedback!! Uhm... That's all.
I still don't have my computer, if you couldn't tell. :(

Love, Sarah

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Falling in Love...

It's like falling off a cliff!
At first, you're scared to go near the edge... Then, you get up the courage to jump, or somebody pushes you off.
For a bit, you're still scared of getting hurt at the bottom, but then, it's so incredibly fun, that you don't want to stop. You just want to keep falling, and falling.
Of course, this is a bad analogy, because if you jump off a cliff, you're bound to hit the ground and go splat... So! We'll pretend this cliff never ends, and you have a parachute. You don't know there's no bottom, though...
You might get scared mid-fall, and realize, "I don't know where the ground is!" You might pull your parachute. Then, you'll just float down... Which would be slightly infuriating, because this cliff never ends. You'll just float and float and float, never knowing when the ground will come.
You want to fall again, because it was so exhilarating, but you don't want to let go of the parachute, because, well, you'll not get it back.

Falling in love, and being in love, is like the falling, fun part. It's awesome, so you just ride the ride for a while, not caring where it ends up.
Life is like the panicky part. It hits you with the buts and the what ifs. You pull out your parachute, or back out of relationship, and float. You're stuck, because you know that if you go back, there's bound to be some more panic and wind, and you know it'll even harder to pull out.

So, don't panic. Don't pull your chute. If God shows you the ground, then pull the chute and land as gently as possible. However, if God doesn't show you the ground, keep falling. It's fun! Chances are, though, if He shows you the ground, you didn't jump when He pushed you. You jumped when you thought you should.


I haven't been able to sleep until 2am this past week... I've been up thinking... Which, really isn't the smartest idea to do... Anyways, I thought about ^ that! Don't ask me why... I don't actually know.
*OUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHH* I just slammed my hand into the table.......
Uhm... I don't really want to do anything today, but I really ought to read anatomy... dang it..... I need to write a paper, too... *sigh* Welcome back to the monotony of school. Gaaaaaahhhh........
We have a ton of snow, and it's really sunny... it's so pretty...

I don't really have anything fun to write... so... byebye!

Love, Sarah

P.S. New gadget! I got rid of the 'ratings and recommendations' thing that just gave me troubles, and put in a reactions thing! 

Friday, January 8, 2010


My rating thing came back... Sorry for the freak out! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


What happened!?? I can't see my rating thingy anymore!! Can you?? Help!! I don't know what happened!


I Miss My Computer....

*sob sob*

Okay, anyways....
I was hanging out with a bunch of friends and I saw that my friend's shoelace was all crooked. Being as obsessive-compulsive as I am, I had to fix it. When I did, he said, "I was wondering when you'd notice that... I was like, 'That'll bother Sarah...'" And I thought, "That's nice, he thought about me over the littlest thing..." Then I was thinking... is God like that? Does He wonder what you'll think every time he does something? Did he think about you when he made each little bug? Each animal? Each plant? Did He think, "I wonder what Sarah will think of this... I hope she likes it...."? I bet He did. I mean, if you love someone you'll think about them a lot, right? You'll wonder what that person will think of everything you do. God's in love with me, right? So He thinks about me a lot!! That's awesome. Just throwin' it out there.


Tuesday was the best day of the year! Yes! Well, considering it was only the 5th day... I'm starting off pretty well. Instead of doing Algebra (my calculator ran out of batteries...) I coloured a picture of a dinosaur. Two of them, in fact. Then I had an awesome time at Prayer Meeting. We discussed the smell of Japanese, how Michael smelt like candy, and why Tristan smelt like a pancake... It was cool. Oh, and that whole other thing ( ^ see above) happened, which was cool.
Wednesday was looooong.... so very long... I now have three violin students, so I make almost $100 a month!!! *victory dance* We went out to eat RIGHT before dance, so throughout the whole class I felt like a fat slug... I don't look like a fat slug, but I definitely felt like one. I am in no way, shape, or form fat. Uhm... Oh! My daddy made me drive in snow *pout*... halfway home I got a phone call and was like, "Gwah!! I can't answer the phone whilst driving!!" It was my friend Brandon, because we're going to a Kutless concert in February!!! YAYAY!! Anyways, he called me about tickets, and told me to call Jalen about it. So I called Jalen and asked him about it, stuck him on hold, called Brandon to tell him, and went back to talking to Jalen, whom I ended up talking to for... a long time. It was a pretty great way to end a long day.
The Sparrow's exchange student, WonKun, and his family are coming for a visit from Korea, which is pretty awexome. With an X.
Ballet and Youth Group were canceled today because of weather... Holy moly, there's like 5 inches of snow! It's exciting!! Even though it's a pain in the behind to drive in...
What else is happening....... I don't know................................... 
I finished watching Bedtime Stories today. It was really funny...
Andywhooooo............ I keep thinking I'm missing something, but I don't know what............ Oh well, I'll remember eventually.
Oh, I'm going to put up a list of blogs I follow. Well... blogs that are actually updated every once in a while.

Love, Sarah

Friday, January 1, 2010

Twenty Ten!

Happy New Year, every one! 2010 is here! Yay!

... Now what? *looks around awkwardly*

Hehe, anyways.... Let's see, what's happening this year? I'm turning 17... uhm.... That's about it. I don't think we're going to do anything exciting this year... Well, except for the usual random exciting we do. But, I'm not going to Mississippi this year... We may go to Richmond, but that's nothing new... So! Brand new year chock full o' surprises! Wheeee!!!!

There's a song that's been going on in my head today... all day... ever since I woke up at... 11? Haha, we stayed up way too late last night. Anyways, it's called Brand New Day ~ Fireflight. I love Fireflight... :)

That's all! Have a wonderful day! Happy 2010!

Love, Sarah


Brand New Day

I'm waking up
The world is turning
The sun is shining again
I'm holding on
To things I shouldn't
It's time to let them go
I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

And I can hear You say
It's a brand new day
The pain goes away
I'm headed for the door
And I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home

Your love, it burns
Away my darkness
You guide me when I'm blind
You are the light
That shines inside me
Showing me I'm
So much more
When I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

Take me into Your arms
My home lies within Your heart