Monday, October 3, 2011

Japanese is officially taking over my life.

金曜日にクラスにいきました。それから、へやにかえりました。日本ごをべんきょうしました。土曜日にfootball gameにいきました。Jimmy John'sでひるごはんをたべました。三時半ごろへやにかえりました。それから、べんきょうしました。ごご十一時ごろともだちのへやにいきました。ともだちと711にいきました。ミルクとslurpeesをかいました。それから、ともだちのへやにかえりました。三時間ぐらいはなしました。それから、へやにかえりました。日曜日にきょうかいにいきました。それから、うちにかえりました。七時ごろへやにかえりました。

Check that out. That's what I did this weekend…in Japanese. Roughly, it translates to, "On Friday, I had class. Then, I went back to my room. I studied Japanese. On Saturday, I went to the football game (though I don't know how to say that in Japanese). I ate lunch at Jimmy John's. Then, I went back to my room. At about 11pm, I went to my friends room. We went to 7/11. We bought milk and slurpees. We went back to her room. We talked for about three hours. Then I went back to my room. On Sunday, I went to church. Then I went home. At about 7, I went back to my room." I'm not actually sure if it's all correct; I need to turn in the handwritten one tomorrow to get it checked. I'm really liking Japanese, though. It moves crazy fast, though… I love writing it by hand, though. It's so beautiful. Somehow, the tying just takes some of the beauty away from it. Also, it took me about 40 minutes to type that.

The other classes I'm in are GeoSci: Dinosaurs and Other Failures, and Psych: The Evolution of Conciousness and Cognition. GeoSci is what it sounds like, a class about dinosaurs. It's pretty awesome, not gonna lie. The Psych seminar is really interesting. We've been focusing on meditation lately, and our only homework is to meditate for fifteen minutes everyday and document what happens each time. It's really nice and relaxing. Although, sometimes I'll get really distracted with other things and just kind of trail off; then it's frustrating.

I get distracted fairly easily. I'm not quite ADHD level; I can hold my attention if I need to. However, if I'm doing nothing particularly mind-engaging I'll just think about things, circumstances, situations, things that could happen in the future. One of my favorite pastimes is to play out scenes in my head that could potentially happen, but in all reality I know probably never will. It might not be the healthiest activity, as I could get my hopes up way too high and then have them all crash and burn, but I've learned how to control how extreme these daydreams get. I can sprinkle a sense of rationality into them so they're not completely unbelievable. When I was younger, I would do the same thing, though then I didn't have the common sense to know that most of my "scenarios" would never play out in real life. Every now and then I allow my mind to wander to some sort of Wonderland full of incredibly improbable situations, but too much and I'll just get depressed.

Distraction is my pastime.

Sarah @)~

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