Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Little Conversation

Sobbing, I scream until I can't scream anymore. There's no sound coming from my mouth, no air in my lungs, but I'm still screaming. I'm at a loss. I'm so confused. This just keep piling onto my already heaping plate. I'm so overwhelmed. I ask, "What do I do? What should I say? This has never happened to me. I'm so terrified!"
Daddy comforts me. He holds me in His arms and gently kisses my forehead. He endearingly says, "Give up. Chill out. Forget it."
I cringe, because I know He would say that. I curl up and just let myself be cradled by Him. He rocks me back and forth, slowly, hushing me with soft sounds. A tear slithers down my cheek. I whisper, "I want to give up, but I'm so scared that everything will be stripped away. I don't want to lose my brothers and sisters. I'm so terrified."
Daddy still rocks me back and forth. "They took everything from me. They hung me on a tree and gambled my clothes away. They took my blood. They took my apostles. They took my pride. They took my friends. They took my mother."
I look up at Him, my eyes large with fear, tears now streaming down my face. "If I lose my friends, I will lose my life." I bury my face into His robe. "I'm so terrified."
"Hush, hush. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it," He says. I realize what it means for the first time. "I love you," He says. "I love you so much." I look up, and He looks into my eyes. "I took your fear. I was terrified, too."

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