Friday, March 13, 2009

Takin' a break

So, I have like a bajillion pages of physics to do, then a bajillion pages of history, a bajillion hours of practicing violin, and I have to go to Mrs. Howell's house. >.<
Can you say overwhelmed?
Also, I left my book 7 at ULC, so I couldn't practice yesterday. *sigh* I'm really dreading Sunday.
I need to learn this stupid Bach Concerto to graduate from book7. And, by the way, I really really don't like Bach. At all. It's all repeaty and mono... whatever the word is. I can't think.

But I was reading Nehemiah this morning. He had to build a freakin' wall with people staring at him and jeering him. It's like Noah, except being attacked. If Nehemiah could rebuild Jerusalem, I can surely do a chapter of physics and a chapter of history.

Alright, back to Coulomb and the crazy electric field people.

Hugs and kisses to y'all,

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