Gr. So I need to write a story for British Lit. It's very due and I just can't focus on the stupid thing! *bonks head on soft thing*
I also missed dance because I'm stupid and forget my stuff and stupid and need to write papers and stupid and need to go to church and stupid. And very very very very very mad at myself. Sometimes I wish I could curl up and hibernate.
On a happier note, I GOT INTO MUSHU'S CHORUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But this also means less time at Youth Group... *tears*
Man, I can't wait for tomorrow. I need a break from all this crap. Also, tomorrow I don't have to be at school until 1:20! Yay for switchings!!! Also, French is over so I only have to stay there for an hour and 10 minutes instead of all day!! Yay!!
Yay! I got new contacts and new glasses! The glasses are really cute! They're blue and purple with little silver flowers on the sides! Now I can see 1000000% better! And yes, there is such thing as 1000000% no matter what some people say. So pooh-pooh to the math.
There was something else, only I can't remember. Oh well. Please pray for my stupid random ADD to go away so I can actually get stuff done.
Hugs and Kisses to all of you! And thanks for reading.
~~~~~~~~~~~ these are fun....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~_~ ^-^ *-* ^~^ *laugh*
Congrats on getting into Mushu's chorus! I'm so excited for tomorrow!