Sunday, February 15, 2009

What is Church?

So, y'all know I'm a pretty strong Christian. Pretty strong, as in if I don't have friends I crumble.
Lately, like for the past... a while... I haven't been going to church. I don't know what it is, but I just don't really see the point, except for taking communion. My church has been going through rough times, and I just don't feel like it's God's place anymore.


  1. God's place for who, Sarah? If you don't feel the life behind communion, don't do it. If you don't feel God's presence, run to it. If you think your church is fading away from what God wants, say something. Nothing is gonna happen if we just stand by. We have to stand up. We can't stand back and let people pass us off as little kids. Timothy 4:12, Sarah. Don't let it happen. We are children of God. If something is falling from him, we have to stand up and take it back.
    Sorry if this comes off mean,

  2. Nope. I need a strict talking to. :D
    Thanks, Toto. <3

  3. Of course, dearling. Always here.


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