Oh, man! So excited!
Alright, I'm gonna start actually titling these things now, because I realized, that my title is exactly the same thing that it says right above it. Ha! I'm not very good at titling, so bear with me.
So, today I have to stay in the library for 3 periods! Ugh! I don't even get to leave. I wonder if I have to sign out...
I need to start reading Silas Marner. I sent (at least I think I sent) all my papers to Mrs. Plehn, but I can't be sure. I'll have to print them out and take them to class. Dingbats.
Explorers just started, which means, wahoo! another 5 hours I need. Planning for 2 classes, homework for three, memorizing the stupid script... arg! I really have no time for Orchestra. I wonder when the trimester ends... March... 3rd? So long...
I don't know how many more pages of physics I have to do, but I can't bring my backpack to school. It's way to heavy. Grr...
I have a C in biology. It sucks big time. I have a bad teacher, and it's kind of hard to do the quizzes when I learned all the stuff two years ago. *slams head into wall* ARG!!!
Alright, enough school. Let's play a game!
Keyboard... QWERTY... Veggitales... Larry... Larryboy!... plungers... Tori... loveseat thing... school... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Signing off! Hearts and hugs to all of you.
*HUG* Don't hit your head.