Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Haven't been here in a long time...

Hey, I haven't posted in a while. Apologies.

Drama is OVER!! Wow, that was a huge production. Rehearsals nearly everyday for two weeks after an entire year of rehearsal about once a week, 12 hours at the theater for 3 or 4 days... I'm exhausted out of my brain. But it was soooo worth it. The show was AMAZING. This whole week and a half has been pretty much awesome.

Now I'm busy with dance, which is going really well. We practiced the Titania Oberon pas de deux today and it was nearly perfect! *happy sigh of relief*

I don't really have much to write about.

Uhm................... yeah. Good night.

Sarah @)~

Monday, May 17, 2010


Wait, why isn't it a terrible day?
I'm quite the Garfield and I despiiiiiiiise Mondays. Despise them. I always have a million hours of homework and the fact that it's no longer the weekend is depressing. This is ironic since I usually get up at the same time anyways....
Anyways, my friend is back from Florida! Yays! So today we're gonna hang out at the mall and see Percy Jackson. I heard it was an okay book/movie... But it's at the dollar theater, so what's a dollar to a bad movie?
I should be doing stuff... like writing a paper and cleaning my room... but I'm so tired... I have a drama rehearsal and a ballet rehearsal almost everyday this week, and everyday last week, so I'm extremely exhausted... On Thursday I went from drama to ballet and took two classes followed by an hour long rehearsal. That's four and half hours of dance and three hours of drama! Augh... I'm crazy. Crazy crazy crazy.
One more week. Then another week. And then... SUMMERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
Aha, typical high school student right here.

I should get going. Peace out.

Sarah @)~

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Butterflies, really?

Again. My stomach has something against me. What even causes butterflies? Let's wiki it.
Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" feeling in the stomach. This sensation can be a physical sensation related to the body's fight or flight response or it can be an ineffable experience related to the psychology of true love or nervousness.
Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine (adrenaline) when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. This reduced blood flow, in turn, causes the stomach to temporarily shut down, and possibly the reason for reduced appetite during love sickness. ~Wikipedia
Well, that was informing. Is that the right word? Now I'm informed about butterflies... Whatever. So, either I'm lovesick or nervous. Or both. Or neither? But then why would I have butterflies? I'm just adrenaline-pumped? By laying in bed writing a blogpost? I don't think so.
I'm just anxious for Saturday. I don't know if it'll be good or if it'll stink. Also Sunday.

Oh! Good news! I got my license!! What!! Dunno when I'll be able to drive by myself, though.
I should go to sleep.

Okay, good night. I don't have much more to say. Except Saturday can't come quickly enough.

Sarah @)~

Monday, May 10, 2010


This week is going to be dull. I have drama rehearsal every day. Now, usually I'd be pretty excited about this, but since my best friend is in Florida, it's just kind of depressing.
So... hurry up and get back. I miss you.
Anyways, tomorrow we're going to work on makeup! Yeah! This should be interesting.
Uhm... yeah. I'm not really in the mood for anything except sleeping and watching Psych at this point in time. How pathetic is that?
I'm a mess.
Does that happen to you? Someone is gone, your friend, your sibling, someone, and you're just completely unbalanced all of a sudden. It's like I'm balancing on one foot now. Not so great at that. Well, some days it works and some days it doesn't. If you dance, you'll know what I'm talking about.
I haven't cried yet, though. Don't think I will. I'm not that fragile. Nor that dependent. Maybe.
My dad might work out of the country for a while next year. And we'd go with him. I don't think I'd be able to live as myself. A whole summer? Dang.
Butterflies are an interesting feeling to have. Ouch.
I should write those reports that are due tomorrow.
... not that I want to. Not that I want to do anything.

It's song lyrics time. These are some scattered lyrics.

... I'm staying up all night hoping, hitting my head against the wall... I'm all strung out my heart is fried. I just cant get you off my mind... I get so high when you're with me, but crash and crave you when you leave...
Your Love Is My Drug ~ Ke$ha

Yeah, she has (mostly) bad songs, but this pretty much describes how I'm feeling right now. She has a weird style. It's all like... weird. Yeah. Most of my friends don't like her. I can see why. But I like this song.

Uhm... that's all.

Sarah @)~

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goodbyes are too hard

My best friend is driving down to Florida. Actually, I think he's in Florida right now. Their family is going to DisneyWorld for his mom's birthday. Well, I'm jealous...
Anyways, Friday we hung out for a while. Saw Iron Man 2, pretty good, and just... hung out... yeah. Then we went to our homeschool group's show... thingy. The Extravaganza. It was pretty good. Immediately afterwards, though, they left to drive 17 hours to Orlando. How much fun is that? Bleah. Anyways, I've been in an odd mood lately. We had rehearsal/set working stuff for Sound of Music, but they weren't there... it was weird...
I don't like goodbyes.
I also have a lime green stuffed bunny. Who looks like a dog. And his name is Gerald P. Bunny.
Peace out.

Sarah @)~

Friday, May 7, 2010


I like May. It's pretty, rainy, and usually pretty warm. Today it's pouring, but it's really cold.
Today I get to go see Iron Man 2!! The first one was super awesome. The second one looks pretty cool, but sequels are usually not so great....
I've been watching a lot of Psych. It's this super awesome show about a "psychic" detective. He's actually just hyper-observant, but he pretends to be a psychic. It's really funny, 'cause he acts like a complete idiot, haha.
Uhm... business as usual. School is almost over, though. Yay!!
I'm gonna go write a book report... blah. Peace out. Okay, go. Haha :]

Sarah @)~