Saturday, September 19, 2009

What a Night!

Last night I went to a Tim Hawkins concert last night. He's a Christian comedian, who's really, really funny. I laughed so hard, this morning I woke up with a side cramp. *ouch ouch*
Unfortunately, I got home at 1, and it's really starting to show. I'm extremely unfocused and can't do research for a paper I should be writing.... I've made at least 10 typos in the past 10 seconds. 5 in these sentences alone.... I didn't wake up until 10, which would be great! If I didn't have ballet at 10:45. There's was a Michigan football game, so we had to leave at 10. Oops.
Oh well, that's how it is.

There's a line in a song, Supersonic by Family Force 5, I've been thinking a lot of lately. It goes "Act like a fool 'cause you just don't care." I am the kind of person who will deeply think about something someone said about her. I can remember things people said about me two years ago. It's definitely not the greatest trait I have. However, does it really matter? I mean, really. We really are not going to be on this earth for very long. Why do we care what other people think? Why do we need to be the best we can for others? If I need to be perfect for humans, who are imperfect, why don't I try as hard to be perfect for God? Sometimes I supposed I take my salvation for granted. I should work on that.
Just thoughts.

Sarah @)~

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