Friday, August 7, 2009

Prayer would be cool...

I'm kind of freaking out. I don't know what's happening, but at this point I just feel like I'm on autopilot. I'd just like stuff to get back to the way it was... even though I know that's not going to happen. As close to normal as possible... which is pretty dang far from regular normal for me. *smirk*
Life is weird.
It decides to be wonderful for a couple days, then all of a sudden decides to throw a curve ball at me. But, I guess that's how it works.
Maybe I haven't been depending on God enough in my good times, as well as in my rough ones. Oops. Well, word of advice: Lean on God even when your life seems like nothing could go wrong!

Sarah @)~


  1. Hey, nice flower thingy at the end there. Very well done.
    That's no fun about freaking out though. You should call me sometime, I'm always happy to pray with you.
    Like you said, trust in God, he is marvelously good to us, even when we walk away from him. He is our Savior, and our only hope. So trust in Him and not in what you can do or understand.
    Feel free to call me anytime.
    See you later,

  2. @)~ tada!
    Thanks. Yup. I'm learning that... slowly... :\


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