Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

One week until Thanksgiving! It's the first National American holiday, isn't it?
Blarg... I had to go to the dentist. I actually don't mind the dentist... but I hate fillings.
I have lots of rehearsals starting now... Fun! I can't wait to start the full scene rehearsals.
I have Youth Group tonight! Yay! I wonder if we're in the big room...
I don't really have anything else to say.
So, here's the game.
Penguin.. Arctic... Frankenstein... green... yellow... grass... horses... turkeys... Thanksgiving... mashed potatoes... Kentucky... Mammoth... moth. Have fun!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tired.............. Jane Eyre is a boring book. Lum lum lum.

I have ballet today. Huzzah and woot.
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The MacQ's might come over next week! *happy dance*
Um... I don't have anything to write today. Except maybe this. THIS. There. My life is dull... Well, that's not true. I have an exciting life. Mondays are dull. There we go. Maybe I just have no life. 'Tis quite true... I have no life. I gave it up to God. Goodbye! My life is school, computer, ballet, Explorers, ballet, computer, school, violin, computer, ballet, school, computer, ballet, school, computer, sleep, ballet, computer, sleep, church, ballet, computer, sleep. Wow... my life is uneventful.
We have Finals next week, so I'm trying to figure out which days to come to school... *sigh* I really hope I don't ahve to come on Wednesday. I want to go to HSC! That would be fun. I'd shadow Fuzzy or Nee-chan. Bwahaha! I'm a stalker. Not really, but whatever.
I don't ahve anything else...
SO! *dun dun dun* Game time! Have fun.
Publish... books... Brianna... Ballet Mag!... Jackson, MS... cockroaches... *shudder*... bugs... red... bricks... water moccasins... algae... turtle... fish... bread... phone... pajamas... BIG RED BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

That is the date today... right?

Well, anyways.
Saturday! No school! Happy me.
I had dance today... It was fun. Jim wasn't incessantly annoying! For once... Oh my gosh! I spelled incessantly right the first time! *win*
Ugh! My legs hurt! Too much rehearsal... *sigh*
I don't really have anything to say now...

Now, for the game or the day! Follow Sarah's Thoughts.
Clue... games... Nancy Drew... books... sleep... Newton... physics... shudder... cold... flu... tissues... dance... sorry... clue... and circle. Have fun!
Peace, love, and all the other awesomeness.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today is Carpe Diem! Huzzah! Which means no ballet. Only party!
It's also To Write Love on Her Arms day. I think that's what it's called...
I don't like physics. At all. It's boring and hard at the same time. How does that work?
Orchestra... for some strange reason I'm the first done with Tech Check, but I was the last one started. Maybe everyone else is just lazy. But then again I'm lazy too... *smile*
I have to read Jane Eyre. It's a very sad book so far. She's being tortured by her foster family, she saw a ghost, everybody thinks she's mentally unstable... That's sad.
I found my awesomely sweet pen the other day. That made me happy.
I finished the French menu. I messed up twice, but the second time I gave up and just inked it. *mutters* Stupid french...
I have dog hair all over my sweater... I'm debating on taking it off, but it's really cold in the library. If any of you are wondering, I'm usually in the library when I write this.
Bwar, it's cold. I stole that word from Nee-chan... *laugh* I like it a lot, though. Bwar. It's like drink... only spelled different. Drink in French that is. Boir. Bwar. *laugh*
My thoughts are randomly spazzing. Like I do. But I'm really sleepy right now. I'm just doing this so I'll stay awake. I should go get food... Food helps me stay awake.
I have 7 minutes until I have to go.
I don't have anything else today... I might go to the Common Cup. That'd be awesome.
By the way, COME TO THE COMMON CUP!!!!
It's amazing. They have the best coffee in the world AND it's in the basement of our church! Huzzah. So, if you want to grab a coffee or tea or smoothie or something then check out our awesome renovated church, please do so! I have no idea why I'm writing this. People will probably never read it. Except Isaac. Hi Isaac!
Anyways. The address is 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104. There's also a website. Please check it out!
The church is recently all fixed up. My poor mum had to stay there (and drag the poor us) everyday. Ugh! In the winter, the heat was broken, so we did school in our winter coats. That's a bit hard. Then in the summer, the air was broken, so we'd work outside, sweating our heads off, then come inside to an equally hot (if not shaded) building. But finally! A year and a half (and a million dollars) later, it is finished! About two weeks ago was the 1st birthday of the Commom Cup. Seriously, if you live in Michigan, try it out.
These are the random thoughts of my brain.
Oh! And here is the game of the day. "Try and follow Sarah's thoughts!"
Chex mix... vending machine... time?... hurry!... late... French... menu... clock... McDonald's... etc. Happy day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Whoops, I missed a day.

Well, anyways. Today I forgot my backpack, so all I can really do is read Jane Eyre. And be on the computer. I need to finish physics crap and such. *grumble*
I have an Oz rehearsal at 1:30. I need to teach little kids to dance. I need to go home though... dang it. I have no time!!
I wish that we had like, 30 hour days or something. That would be amazing. Then we could get 10 hours of sleep and still have 20 hours of time to do stuff! Rather than 8 hours to sleep and ... um... 16 hours to do stuff! Yeah, I don't do math in my head. Or rather, I can't do math in my head. That's my ramblings for the day. Hm... I ought to add another section in my posts...... well, anywho.
Violin today... I didn't practice any book 7 stuff... I forgot where I left it. I really want to play the Dying Swan! It's such a pretty piece! Well, I guess I'll have to wait.
I really really really really really want to see Breakfast Club on Friday, but I'm not sure if we can. I have to do the packing stuff at Covenent so I suppose it's out of the question... Dang it!!!! Maybe I can see it on Saturday... hm... I'll have to think about that. Saturday is the 15th, right?
We have Carpe Diem tomorrow! Huzzah. I couldn't go to ballet yesterday, and apparently Carol was pissed. Or so said Jim. I'm wondering... Ugh! I don't understand that boy.
These are the many thoughts running through my head. Quite random and spastic. See if you can follow my thought process!
Hi... bye... bumblebee... flower... bread... cinnamon buns... Rachael... ducky... bathtub... Lydia... wow... that was really random! However, they are all connected! You just have to know what's in between them. So, how did I get from bumblebees to a bathtub, you ask? Bwarharhar. That's for me to know, and you to find out.

Peace out!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Almost not sick! *sigh*

I have lots of things to do before Tuesday. Oh! I should probably email Mrs. Havens right now...
Rehearsal was fine. In between Columbine and Snow I read 5 chapters of a Wrinkle in Time. Ian took a while making my tea... but it was good.
My computer is messed up, so I apologize in advance for any trouble with this thingy.
I still need to finish Frankenstein... Although that should be pretty easy.

I don't have anything else to write... Peace!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I didn't go to ballet because I was sick.
I had to go to rehearsal, but was coughing half the time because I was sick.
I have to go to rehearsal tomorrow, so I hope I'm not TOO sick. Jim is sick too... I'm wondering if that was my fault... Oops.
My iPod got messed up because I connected it to a different computer than I usually do. All the songs went away and I had to connect it to mine to make it work again.
I got a stain on my blue leotard... *sigh*
I have a bunch of 3 Musketeers now.

These are the random thoughts running through my head at this moment. Read and enjoy.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, Novemer 7, 2008

Still sick... still writer's block... had to leave school... Ugh.

Orchestra... home... no ballet... veged out all day...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ugh. I'm sick. I keeping thinking it's Friday. Then, when I realize it's not, I go into a state of despair. That's my story, read it and savor it. Not really, but I felt like saying that.

School... Bored... Ballet... YG...

Orchestra... we sightread cool pieces. We learned about a super-band. It was quite boring, as always.

Bored... more computer... I don't have any physics to do, so that makes me happy.

Ballet... Pre-pro class.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


School... no orchestra. Silly meeting. Lots of biology due.

Violin... I didn't practice today... dang it. Lesson... blah. I got money though.

Ballet... Advanced class. *sigh*

I'm a bit depressed today, if you couldn't tell.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4

Due to some recent sickness and large quantities of homework, I have not been able to post. Sorry. Also, due to some writer's block, the next chapter of Tippit's Great Adventure has been postponed until further notice.

Explorers... no ballet... concert.

Explorers... a good day! It's Rachael's birthday, so we sang happy birthday in biology lab. The kids in my ballet were crazy today... It's hard to teach loud children. I have to remember to print some coloring stuff out... I finished all my British lit homework! Almost... I still have to write a bunch of papers... Dang it. I did all the questions though. Frankenstein is sooooo sad.... /.\
In Physics lab we did a 5 minute experiment then did a bunch of calculations. It was very helpful. In Oz I practically killed my voice... We started blocking, so I have to do stuff full out. I have a bad cough now. In Earnest we did more blocking. I got to come on and yell at Josh. *smile* For cleaning, the vacuum we had was dysfunctional. There was no suction whatsoever! None whatsoever! *laugh*

I didn't have ballet because I had to go to a concert. We played Handel and V. Williams. It was... kind of fun.

I'm really tired... I need to go to sleep earlier from now on.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, November 1

Ballet, clean, student dinner.

Ballet was fun. My shoes are broken in. I have rehearsal tomorrow... *shudder*

Clean... BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!! I hate cleaning...

Student Dinner... Once again. *Sigh* these are getting really boring.